Research Activities - Greek Participation in European Projects
This section includes EKT's special reports with analytical data and in-depth information on the performance of Greek institutions and their participation in the European R&D framework programmes.
Participations of Greek Organizations in Horizon Europe
644,72 M€
The total EU financial contribution
Greece ranks 7th based on the number of participations in approved projects of Horizon Europe
Participation in Horizon Europe: Greece is in 7th place
In the 2021-2022 period, 829 projects with Greek participation were approved in the Horizon Europe Program, 204 of which are coordinated by a Greek institution. 505 unique Greek institutions participate in these projects, recording a total of 1,716 participations with approved funding from the European Commission amounting to 644.72 million Euros.
The Greek institutions participating in Horizon Europe
505 unique Greek institutions (unique participants) participated in the 829 approved projects of Horizon Europe during the two years period 2021-2022. 52 or otherwise more than 1 in 10 organizations, have assumed a coordinating role. From the business enterprise sector 59.9% of the participations are small and medium-sized enterprises. Τhe participants include all Universities from the higher education sector, all major research centers from the government sector, all major research centers and institutions active in food, ICT, bioeconomy, open science, etc. activities from the private non-profit institutions sector.
Horizon Europe: Pillar II "Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness"
Of the total of 829 approved projects in the two years 2021-2022, almost 3/4 (625) are included in Pillar II "Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness", a number corresponding to 75.4% of all projects. Pillar II projects gather 1,386 participations (80.8% of all Greek participations) and 546.48 million Euros funding (84.8% of total Greek funding).